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Spring Maintenance Checklist From a Landscaping Contractor in Kelowna

Spring Maintenance Checklist From a Landscaping Contractor in Kelowna

Spring is here, and it’s time to get a move on those 2022 landscaping goals. To get you started, your favourite landscaping contractor in Kelowna has provided you with a list of things to tick off before summer. This way you can stay on track and ensure that your yard is in tip-top shape for all of those summer BBQs! Follow along with the article below to learn what items you need to tick off your to-do list this spring. 

Top 5 tasks to Accomplish Before Summer!

One of the biggest tasks you’ll want to accomplish before summer is some early lawn care. Before you get started on your lawn maintenance, you’ll want to make sure that your grass is firm and dry. Once the mushy feeling is gone, you can begin dethatching, applying topsoil, overseeding, and applying some fertilizer. Thanks to the moist Okanagan spring, you shouldn’t need to water your grass very often. 

Another item you’ll want to tick off is cleaning out your eavestroughs. After a long winter, it is necessary to remove all of the grime and debris that may have built up in the gutters. Even if you cleaned them out in the fall, you will still want to give them a second clean-up come spring. However, for those who cleaned their gutters in the fall, your job should be much easier. As snow melts and spring rainfalls, you will want to make sure your gutters are clear of any blockage. 

Spring is the most ideal time to prune your shrubs and trees. This is because many of them are still dormant. Giving your plants a little haircut is just what they need to start the season off right. Don’t prune plants with buds until after they have flowered. Otherwise, you can grab your tools and get snipping!

The last items on the list would be to clean up your garden beds and top up the mulch. Start by raking out any debris from the ground. Then you can finish pruning any plants that you didn’t get to in the fall. After this, you may consider adding compost to the soil so that the ground is fertile for new plantings. Finally, you will likely need to top up your mulch as it usually tends to wash away with snow/rain. 

Contact Landscaping Contractor in Kelowna Today!

Cleaning up after a long winter can be challenging. There are lots of steps to ensure that your yard is in tip-top shape come summer. If you need any help with executing these tasks before spring is over, contact a landscaping contractor in Kelowna today. We’d be more than happy to help you prepare your yard for the coming months. Be sure to check out our social media here for project examples and more. Feel free to reach out any time with an inquiry or to receive a quote. We look forward to working with you soon!

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