778-392-7778 jfuller@atomic55.net
Kelowna Block Wall Contractor Talks Tree Placement in a Retaining Wall

Kelowna Block Wall Contractor Talks Tree Placement in a Retaining Wall

Retaining walls are a great way to create space for garden beds where the land is sloped. Many people invest in retaining walls for this very reason! However, it’s important that you keep in mind what plants work behind a retaining wall. For example, large trees can cause structural damage to even the most well-built retaining walls. If you are interested in planting some trees behind your block wall, there are a few things to consider. In this article, our Kelowna block wall contractor will be going over some of the rules for planting trees behind a retaining wall. Follow along below to learn more.

How Far Should You Place Trees From Your Retaining Wall & Trees to Avoid Planting

  • Where to Plant Your Tree(s)?

Those who want to plant trees behind their retaining walls, should plant them a minimum of 2 times the wall height away from the wall. This means that if you have a 3-foot tall wall, your trees should be planted 6 feet from the front of the wall. This same rule also be applied to shrubs. If you want to plant a tree/shrub closer than that, it should be planted in front of the retaining wall. 

  • What Tree/Plant Varieties Should You Avoid Planting Behind a Retaining Wall?

Any plants or trees that love water should not be planted behind a retaining wall. This can cause drainage problems and wreak havoc on the environment behind the wall. So, if you are planning on planting anything that requires constant watering, you should rethink your options. In addition, homeowners should avoid planting trees with invasive root systems (like a weeping willow). This is because they can cause problems with the structural integrity of the wall. 

Contact a Kelowna Block Wall Contractor Today!

If you have any other questions about where and what to plant behind your retaining wall, contact a Kelowna block wall contractor today. Our retaining wall experts would love to answer any questions that you may have. Be sure to check out our social media for progress photos and past projects. We look forward to working with you in the near future!

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